Friday, April 24, 2009

Fever Pitch Movie Entry

The Movie Fever pitch is closely related to the story. The Main character in the movie, is just as obsessed with baseball as the main character in the story is with soccer. The thing is in the movie the obsession with baseball puts his relationship with a young women at risk. The movie is a love comedy. It was a love story, between baseball and a relationship. At the end, baseball actually helped the relationship.

Fever Pitch Entry # 5

5 Things I understand:
  1. Because of the obessseion hes had to sacrifce some of his friends
  2. He thinks a bit too much
  3. It's as if this book contains the history of soccer
  4. It looks like he tries to impress people
  5. The whole book is him talking to the reader
4 Questions I have:
  1. Girls or soccer?
  2. Does he ever get bored of soccer?
  3. How many soccer games has he watched his whole life?
  4. How many soccer games has he played his whole life?
3 Words:
  1. Commendable: (v) to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness
  2. Conspicuous: (adj) easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable
  3. Demonologies: (n) the study of demons or of beliefs about demons
2 Literary Elements:
  1. Simile: "Football, famously, is the people's game, and as such is prey to all sorts of people who aren't, as it were, the people." - pg 88
  2. Metonymy: "Her room helped me to understand that girls were much quirkier than boys, a realisation that stung me" - pg 94
1 Sentence summary:
  1. He is starting to have more of a life than just soccer.

Fever Pitch Entry # 4

5 Things I understand:
  1. He views certain soccer matches as a matter of life and death
  2. He sees this opportunity to show his talent
  3. A different person when it comes to a soccer game
  4. He feels as if his team will die
  5. He is worried on what will happen to the team
4 Questions I have:
  1. Why is it that people change when it comes to something they love?
  2. What ends up happening to the team?
  3. Is he the type that really stresses situations?
  4. Is something bad going to happen that makes him want to leave soccer?
3 Words:
  1. Contemplating: (v) to look at or view with continued attention; observe or study thoughtfully
  2. Fixations: (n) the act of fixing or the state of being fixed
  3. Pretensions: (n) the laying of a claim to something.
2 Literary Elements:

1 Summary Sentence:
  1. Right now he is in a stressful situation and is really worried about the soccer team.

Fever Pitch Entry # 3

5 Things I understand:
  1. He would do anything in order to go see a soccer game
  2. If you ask him any question on soccer he would answer it
  3. In a way you can say this book is almost like a documentary on his love for soccer
  4. Soccer to him is as serious as a heart attack
  5. Nothing compares to soccer in his point of view
4 Questions I have:
  1. If the story Fever Pitch is on soccer how did it become to be a baseball movie?
  2. How does he feel about American Football?
  3. Does he know the complete history on soccer?
  4. What was his preferred position?
3 Words:
  1. Rosettes: (n) a rose-shaped arrangement of ribbon or other material, used as an ornament or badge.
  2. Incredulous: (adj) not credulous; disinclined or indisposed to believe; skeptical
  3. Dilapidated: (adj) reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear, or neglect.
2 Literary Elements:
  1. Metaphor: "Away games were my equivalent of staying late at the office. . ." - pg 45
  2. Metaphor: " For all of us it meant sporadic electricity, candlelight, occasional cold suppers, but for third-year football fans it meant visits to the Electricity Board showroom, where the cut-off rota was posted, in order to discover which of us were able to offer The Big Match on Sunday afternoons." - pg 51
1 summary sentence:
  1. Now we are in the part of the book where the games are being seen, and the life of a soccer player is being shown.

Fever Pitch Entry # 2

5 things I understand:
  1. The way he speakes to the reader feels as if it is a television show,
  2. He has a tendency to compare soccer to real life experiences
  3. Has a tendency to put little side notes in parenthesis
  4. Soccer could be considered his drug
  5. He finds soccer therapeutic
4 Questions I have:
  1. How is it possible to get so addicted to something?
  2. Will he ever lose his love for soccer?
  3. Why does he talk about his past so much?
  4. Why does he make it seem as if what he does is best?
3 Words:
  1. Unambiguous: (adj) Having or exhibiting no ambiguity or uncertainty; clear
  2. Extravagantly: (adj) spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful
  3. Methadone: (n) a synthetic narcotic, C2 1H2 8ClNO, similar to morphine but effective orally, used in the relief of pain and as a heroin substitute in the treatment of heroin addiction
2 literary elements:
  1. Metonymy: "I hope they get stuffed" - pg 22
  2. Personification: "The simple truth is that obsessions just aren't funny, and that obsessives don't laugh." - pg 35
1 Summary sentence:
  1. He continues to talk about his passion and even describes a game that he is watching and how he interacted with his father.

Fever Pitch Entry # 1

5 Things I understand:
  1. The Narrator is English (From England)
  2. The Narrator has a strong passion for soccer
  3. The story speaks in first person a lot
  4. The Narrator speaks about his personality a lot
  5. He can talk about soccer all day
4 Questions I have:
  1. Why is almost the whole beginning of the book describing how he is?
  2. How old is he?
  3. He spoke about his father in the beginning, does he have any children himself?
  4. Does he have a passion for any other sport like he does for soccer?
3 Words:
  1. Tetchy: (adj) irritable; touchy
  2. Traipsing: (v) to walk over; tramp
  3. Fractious: (adj) readily angered; peevish; irritable; quarrelsome
2 literary elements:
  1. Metaphor: "I fell in love with football as I was later to fall in love with women" - pg. 7
  2. Metaphor: "The long beach and the sea were their lawn; the blanket their home; the ice chest and thermos their kitchen." - pg 10
1 Summary sentence:
  1. The entire first part of the story pretty much described who he is and what his personality is like.