Friday, April 24, 2009

Fever Pitch Entry # 2

5 things I understand:
  1. The way he speakes to the reader feels as if it is a television show,
  2. He has a tendency to compare soccer to real life experiences
  3. Has a tendency to put little side notes in parenthesis
  4. Soccer could be considered his drug
  5. He finds soccer therapeutic
4 Questions I have:
  1. How is it possible to get so addicted to something?
  2. Will he ever lose his love for soccer?
  3. Why does he talk about his past so much?
  4. Why does he make it seem as if what he does is best?
3 Words:
  1. Unambiguous: (adj) Having or exhibiting no ambiguity or uncertainty; clear
  2. Extravagantly: (adj) spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful
  3. Methadone: (n) a synthetic narcotic, C2 1H2 8ClNO, similar to morphine but effective orally, used in the relief of pain and as a heroin substitute in the treatment of heroin addiction
2 literary elements:
  1. Metonymy: "I hope they get stuffed" - pg 22
  2. Personification: "The simple truth is that obsessions just aren't funny, and that obsessives don't laugh." - pg 35
1 Summary sentence:
  1. He continues to talk about his passion and even describes a game that he is watching and how he interacted with his father.

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