Friday, April 24, 2009

Fever Pitch Entry # 5

5 Things I understand:
  1. Because of the obessseion hes had to sacrifce some of his friends
  2. He thinks a bit too much
  3. It's as if this book contains the history of soccer
  4. It looks like he tries to impress people
  5. The whole book is him talking to the reader
4 Questions I have:
  1. Girls or soccer?
  2. Does he ever get bored of soccer?
  3. How many soccer games has he watched his whole life?
  4. How many soccer games has he played his whole life?
3 Words:
  1. Commendable: (v) to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness
  2. Conspicuous: (adj) easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable
  3. Demonologies: (n) the study of demons or of beliefs about demons
2 Literary Elements:
  1. Simile: "Football, famously, is the people's game, and as such is prey to all sorts of people who aren't, as it were, the people." - pg 88
  2. Metonymy: "Her room helped me to understand that girls were much quirkier than boys, a realisation that stung me" - pg 94
1 Sentence summary:
  1. He is starting to have more of a life than just soccer.

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